BA&C Company is from its beginning focused on marketing advisory services, project management and international trade.
Why should you work with us?
BA&C Company offers its services in marketing, project management and international trade with lots of professional experiences.
Marketing advisory services are based on setting business, marketing and promotional strategies, creating product packages under the product management and whole business development of companies.
Project management offers a clear organization of projects to clients with its defined timetable. In the context of crisis management, we set suitable processes and put together business plans and strategies.
In the area of international trade BA&C Company mediates business opportunities from its beginning including market analysis till all consultancy support during closing deals.
B A a C Ltd.
IČ: 04855329
Revoluční 1003/3, 110 00 Prague 1
Phone: +420 222 311 528
Bank number: FIO Banka a.s., 2400960376/2010